URL Builder

Tag your online marketing campaigns and receive customized data to your Google Analytics or Clicky account. Fill in the form information and click the Generate URL button.

Step 1: Enter the URL of your website.

Website URL: *
(e.g. www.domainname.com)


Step 2: Fill in the fields below. Campaign Source, Campaign Medium and Campaign Name should always be used.

Campaign Source: * (referrer: google, onlineads, newsletter-september)
Campaign Medium: * (marketing medium: cpc, banner, email)
Campaign Term: (identify the paid keywords)
Campaign Content: (use to differentiate ads)
Campaign Name: * (product, promotional code, or slogan  


Step 3: Click Submit to tag your URL, and then click Clear to tag a new URL.

Generated URL

3 thoughts on “URL Builder

  1. Brad Moon

    Obvious answer to this I’m sure…

    Can you use the URL builder and GA to track links that are not associated with your own properties?

    Just want to make sure I’m not missing something or there are some other stealthy tactics I’m not aware of.


      1. Brad Moon

        I need to clarify…

        I meant can you track links that are not in your account, such as a Google Drive Form (survey), using URL Builder?

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