Live Email Marketing Q & A #1

24 thoughts on “Live Email Marketing Q & A #1

  1. Rob Jones

    In an evergreen product launch sequence, how many emails would you aim for before you start pitching your product? Any general rule? (IM niche)

  2. Ken

    #8 Other than the words we write, are there hidden spam “gotchas” that we need to know about, you just mentioned an ALT text tip, what other inside the code issues can we watch out for

  3. Michael Caruana

    Just a comment — Maybe you can implement one of the jquery / chat refresh plugins and have the link to it open on a new page so we don’t have to refresh.
    I’m not seeing all the questions asked after refreshing.

  4. Rob Jones

    I have Interspire with Amazon SES, but I’m considering Office Autopilot, except they don’t integrate with Clickbank. How did you pull off the Clickbank integration?

  5. Marcel Pamphile

    Hey Jason,

    How would you rank these traffic sources in terms of list signups and eventual conversions
    Can you rank them #1 to #6

    Solo Ads
    Forum special offers – like WSOs
    Internet Marketing friendly Affiliate Networks like WarriorPro, Clickbank
    General Affiliate Networks like Commission Junction

  6. Michael Caruana

    Open rate up since last week, thanks, but a few more unsubscribes because the wording is such that recipients realize they may be in an autoresponder and opt-out.

  7. Sally Neill

    Hey Big Jason, another quick question…. can you explain more about don’t give them any chance of “un-supervised thinking”

    Sally 🙂

  8. Sally Neill

    Hey Big J, my question…

    if you have an autoresponder sequence in place / set up… say 3 months worth of messages.. and then you start to send out broadcast emails meaning a subscriber could get two emails in one day (the follow up for that day AND the broadcast) is this a bad thing to do or is there a way to word the email so it’s more acceptable that they potentially get two emails and not get upset / unsub because of it.

    Sally 🙂

  9. Ken

    #6 What are (or where can I find) can’t miss action words or phrases that have proven over time to be effective. This goes back to selling the click. 35,000 business owners get an email every day with only 100 or so clicking through. I am certainly missing something compelling that’s for sure.

  10. Ken

    #5 I have a large list that I feel is getting tired of me. My product is a service provided through someone else that I am only the broker for. My open rates are abysmal (5%) and my click through rates are even worse (0.10% at best). Really need to boost these numbers. CAN YOU TALK about rejuvenating a tired list?

  11. Ken

    #3 Subject line – usage of brackets, when?, beginning of line only?, caps in brackets? I know you use [ERW] always which is your brand so to speak.

  12. Ken

    #2 Where can I buy the WordArt you use? Example, :Enter Any Comments or Questions Below”. I saw a WSO or similar pass by some time ago but thought you may be an affiliate for one or another of these products.

  13. Ken

    I will ask a series of questions, answer as many as you can, thanks.

    #1 Can you give some concrete examples of “Selling the Click”? Subject line ,first sentence, how many links, etc.

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