Optin Page Optimization

How to Optimize Your Optin Page
And Put Your List Building on Steroids…

[acvta tag_format=”%vid_title% (%vid_id%) %vid_percentage%” video_id=”XnHC6QGYyd0″ video_type=”youtube” video_perc=”0,25,50,75,80,85,90,95,99,100″ email=”[wlm_email]” event_name=”Watched Video” video_width=”640″ video_height=”480″]

22 thoughts on “Optin Page Optimization

    1. Big Rabbit Post author

      darryl, please provide the information I need to optimize it. See info above. thanks man. looking forward to giving you some great feedback


  1. Patti Lowe

    Optin page url: http://www.viralasset.com
    Source of traffic: paid and affiliate
    Keywords: [make money online]
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  2. Michael Flanagan

    Optin page url:

    Source of traffic:
    Ezine Article, Blog, JV Giveaway Event, Banner ad on email & tweet broadcasts bought thru fiverr

    Traffic Source Example Urls:

    URL of any page they land on BEFORE going to your optin page (if any)

    Briefly explain who you’re targeting:
    People, through whatever reason, need or want to start their own internet based business, make money & work from home.

    Top key phrases:
    make money from home, work from home, internet marketing
    free traffic sources

  3. Dazkat

    Optin page url: http://paulfootefitness.com / http://paulfootefitness.com/sp

    Source of traffic: facebook, youtube

    Traffic Source Example Urls: https://facebook.com/paulfootefitness, http://youtu.be/lHgL9HnSCtE , http://youtu.be/5XK1nrOEh7M , http://www.youtube.com/user/PaulFooteFitness

    Targeting: Male & Females between the ages of 20 – 40 looking to burn body fat and build lean muscle

    Top Key Phrases: Burn Body Fat / Build Lean Muscle / Fitness Circuits

  4. Britt Malka

    Optin page url: http://getmoneymakingideas.com/free.html
    Source of traffic: Ezine Articles, blog
    Traffic Source Example Urls: http://ezinearticles.com/?Making-Money-Online-For-Beginners—Seven-Steps-To-A-New-Life&id=6149265 – and every page on http://GetMoneyMakingIdeas.com
    URL of any page they land on BEFORE going to your optin page (if any) NONE
    Briefly explain who you’re targeting: beginners who want to make money online
    Top key phrases (free): money making ideas

    1. Big Rabbit Post author

      thanks bryan. have some examples of the advertising and PR pieces? if you have in pdf or word format or whatever, you can email it to me bigjason [@} emaildominion.com or maybe just describe (as much details as possible) what they see before hitting that page

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