To use this plugin, you must use the shortcodes provided in the trackers sections or in the tracker’s edit page.
The shortcode is of the format [acvta_tracker id=tracker id here]
You can set the video percentages at which a tag is to be removed or added by hovering over a tag when you add it and then set the appropriate percentage in the add/edit tracker’s page.
By default, it will be set to zero. Please don’t forget to set the custom field ID you want to update by hovering over the custom field value and set the appropriate custom field ID in the same page.
You can also add the following parameters in the url:
Attribute | Description |
The contact’s email you want to add tags to. If you set this, all email address for each video tracker will be replaced by the value of this email. Example: |
tag | These are the tags to be added to a certain contact. To add tags via url, this format should be used: tag[index][video_percentage]=tagvalue The “index” is just any number and “video_percentage” is the video percentage at which the “tagvalue” will be added to the contact. “tagvalue”s with the same video_percentage should be assigned with different index. Example:[0][10]=at+10+percent&tag[1][10]=another+10+percent&tag[0][20]=20+percent |
rtag | These are the tags to be removed from a certain contact. To remove tags via url, this format should be used: rtag[index][video_percentage]=tagvalue The “index” is just any number and “video_percentage” is the video percentage at which the “tagvalue” will be removed from the contact. “tagvalue”s with the same video_percentage should be assigned with different index. Example:[0][10]=at+10+percent&rtag[1][10]=another+10+percent&rtag[0][20]=20+percent |
list | List of list ids to be subscribed by a contact. Example:[0]=3&list[1]=4 |
rlist | List of list ids to be unsubscribed by a contact. Example:[0]=3&rlist[1]=4 |
auto | List of automation ids to be added to contact. Example:[0]=1&auto[1]=2 |
rauto | List of automation ids to be removed from the contact. Example:[0]=1&rauto[1]=2 |
overwrite_cookie | Set this value to 1 in the url to replace the stored email via cookie with the current email. Example: |
cf | List of custom field values to be updated Example:[0]=value+for+field0&cf[1]=value+for+field1 |